"Ken is a master coach who can transverse esoteric pathways of human existence from the depths of cellular chemistry, disease manifestation and human suffering — to the spiritual levels of the world’s most profound wisdom traditions. In his work with Seeing with Your Heart, Ken offered insights and guidance that blew open the doors of new possibilities."

Dan Cohen, Co-Founder of Seeing With Your Heart

Before the age of eight I experienced two life-critical near death experiences.

I lived for most of my life unknowingly locked in a prison of severe mental and emotional anguish—and spiritual distress — due to both unresolved (and unconscious to me) trauma and spinal subluxations (blockages) — and the subsequent effects these experiences had on the development of my physiology, my psyche, my identity structure; and my capacity to ‘conduct’ the electrical current of life.

These two life-shaping experiences and other profoundly catalyzing events have fueled the twists, turns, and inquiries of my life’s journey, ultimately bringing me here to you.

I’ve had no choice but to find my in, thru, and out of the storm(s); and the deep, chaotic, and tumultuous waters of a highly disorganized soma and the associated psycho-emotional suffering.

I had to ‘figure out’—out of pure necessity—how to be with myself; meet; and navigate a radically complex inner space, in ways words can never truly communicate—on the journey to remembering who I was, beyond who I had became because of those events.

…and i’m grateful for the countless gifts born of the catalog of experiences, initiations, gates, and rites of life.

Like many, my life has been anything but simple. The truth is it's been messy, non-linear, and at times profoundly disorienting, chaotic, and uncertain — overwhelmingly challenging; wrought by stress, worry, and fear.

Over the past ~15 years, I've spent countless hours researching and studying a breadth of subjects. I've experimented and immersed myself in the living laboratory of life. Discovering and expanding my understanding of what it means to be human.

Along my journey, I’ve intensively studied subjects from biomimicry, systems theory, nanotechnology, human performance & leadership coaching, meditation and mindfulness, family constellations, ancestral reclamation and lineage repair, and the vast terrain of the trauma, somatics, and formative psychology and more.

The key here is that not only have I studied—and in certain instances trained informally or formally—but I've experimented on myself, unrelentingly, and have integrated, weaved, and embodied the wisdom I carry through countless ordinary and non-ordinary direct experiences; initiations and rites of passage.

I've spent more than ten years intensively researching the human body, the psyche, and the spirit; a journey which includes more than 3,500 hours of seated meditation.

Learning and integrating through the trials and tribulations—and thru the initiatory passages of direct experience—how to be human; in this body; on this earth; in these radical times.

While I've made choices which nurture the soil of my dormant potential, ultimately, it is the spark of the divine within that continues to drive the excavation process of remembrance and expression of organic life.

In an earlier chapter of my life I worked as a Manufacturing R&D Engineer for an industry respected Tier 1 supplier to Boeing and Airbus. I earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering and was paid to collaborate in solving complex technical problems.

I wore a white lab coat in manufacturing clean rooms and worked mostly in research labs with all kinds of equipment; designing, building, and testing experimental tools and processes for manufacturing composite carbon fiber aero-structure components. If you’re curious to learn how I got from there to here, check out this page.

In many ways my life has been like a root-cause analysis on dis-function and dis-ease, in service to anchoring the blueprints and encoding the body with the highest harmonics of ease, peace, and joy available on earth today.

I've dry fasted and fasted with water, juice, and fruits for days, weeks and months at a time, clearing the sediment of obstruction; studied and tracked the effects of specific herbs and plants on my physiology; apprenticed with teachers; assisted souls in transitioning from this plane; and guided others in accessing and navigating non-ordinary states of consciousness with and without the use of plant medicines.

I've pulled the proverbial power cord on relationships and versions of life (and self) that were no longer congruent—consciously choosing to offer to the sacred fire, the seemingly safe and familiar internal and external structures of my life, when such what was was required.

I've loved; had my heart broken; suffered from depression; dark nights (and countless years) of the soul; been manipulated and deceived by those closest to me; rejected; bullied; arrested; and both psychically and emotionally abused during various stages of my life.

I navigated the messy and complex divorce of my parents as best as a 16 year old could, which included having the police called on me (by my parents) multiple times for my then uncontrolled rage. I’ve changed careers, traveled abroad, lived out of my car, navigated the death of my dad, and the dismantling of my childhood home. I've explored the origins of shame, in this life, and the lives of my ancestors, and transformed shame into dignity.

I've faced fear head on, spoken truth in the most uncomfortable of moments, unlocked my tender heart, reclaimed my power, and lovingly held the hearts of those navigating passages of all kinds. I immersed myself into and found my way out of intensive ceremonial psychedelic plant medicine use, inclusive of 7-years of tobacco. I've invested ten's of thousands' of dollars and thousands of hours into myself—and to intensive and rigorous inner exploration and work to return to the origins of Self. I’ve held myself through birth as well as death and everything in between; again and again and again…

I've challenged, stretched, and pushed myself in countless ways—and been challenged, stretched, and pushed by life—and I've lived to tell about it

Taken at a capstone moment upon completion of a week long Self and earth-guided rite of passage in the North Cascade Mountains of Washington State.

My work with clients is as blended as is my background, yet fundamentally the work I do—independent of methodology—uses the arising material of direct experience as the fuel to clear entanglements in consciousness and untie the unseen knots—whether sourced in past lives, ancestor's lives, or one's current life—that bind the mind, body, heart, and soul to suffering, struggle, and strife.

The heart of my life—and work—serves to create and engender pathways of peace, love, and connection in service to soul liberation and the flourishing of Spirit—to usher in the New Earth, within and without.

…and the truth is, what I’ve shared here is only the tip of an iceberg which descends far into the dark and deep waters traversed by whale kin.

For those curious of my credentials. I am a Certified Professional Coach through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, completed in 2013. I’m also an advanced-level student in the Somatic Experiencing® training, slated to complete my training in 2024. I’ve intensively studied, trained and apprenticed in Systemic Constellations as well as Somatic Coaching.

My primary credential is my life…a life graced by the white rose and the dove.

I am here to reclaim, remember, restore and anchor peace on earth—and i live into this reason for being, each and every day.

I’ve been blessed to receive deep support from various teachers, healers, body-workers, somatic practitioners, shamanic practitioners, constellations facilitators, plants, roots, and barks; and a handful of highly influential teachers and guides (and now friends)…through many sessions, classes, workshops, courses, intensives and immersions, and good old fashioned apprenticeship; beyond what i’ve listed on this site.

Finally I offer my deep gratitude to my elders, ancestors, animals, elementals, whales, birds, and little people of this earthly plane who guide my journey and support my life in countless ways.

Thank you to all those who support me on my path; named and unnamed; seen and unseen.

While there’s more; this is enough for now.

Thank you Life.


“Ken embodies such a wealth of profound wisdom, patience, and incredible depth of insight into the heart of both the light and the darkness of the human experience and condition. His contemplative, highly aware, still, and deep nature translates as an ability to sense and navigate very subtle and powerful nuances and pathways to healing with the people he serves.”

Mona R., Cairo, Egypt