Are you navigating the un-chartered waters of life?
…and feeling like you’re in way over your head?

My name is Kenneth and i assist ‘old souls’; of all ages; from all walks of life; whom are navigating in and through the liminal waters of divinely orchestrated circumstantial constellations of initiation. In short, i usher others through the birth process orchestrated by the organizational intelligence of life—to the shores of the new earth (and new life) that beckon.

“Although he is deeply humble in his power, one day it will become apparent that Ken was magnetizing those truly at the core of the emergence of a new civilization, and with incredible grace, was quietly serving them in deeply transformational and healing ways that broke free from the transactional; capitalistic; often patriarchal ways of engaging.”

Mona Rabie, Cairo, Egypt
Member of The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation & Emergence

Life as it was, is over…

…and with little to no plan or preparation, in a terrifyingly primal manner, you find yourself stripped naked of the known and familiar; alone in the unchartered deep waters of life; without maps, and meagerly equipped for this vast oceanic expanse of wild experience.

Maybe you’re here by way of an unexpected tragedy; maybe by way of death or loss; of a loved one or a way of life; maybe childbirth or a cataclysmic rebirth; the end of a relationship, the end of a career, the end of something deeply meaningful; maybe long-standing heartbreak or a sudden bottomless grief; a medical emergency, an accident, or a diagnosis; an empty nest; relocation, or retirement; personal or collective upheaval; catastrophe, natural disaster; the desecration of the sacred or the loss of something loved. 

Maybe something unmentioned or unmentionable.

Maybe nothing happened, absolutely nothing at all; yet for reasons beyond conception, here you are.

Messy, wet, and profoundly uncomfortable; some combination of floating and flailing, swimming and treading; maybe struggling to catch your breath, stay afloat, or stay calm in these unfamiliar and frightening waters; and the light of day is quickly dimming into a dark night of the soul.

As if these wild waters of change—catalyzed by the events of your life—weren’t enough to acclimate yourself to, add to the equation your uncontrollable and very natural life-preserving reactions and reflexes to what’s happening, and you have one heck of a storm.

How are you faring through the storm? Really, how are you?

How are you tending to the outer circumstances as you navigate the dynamics of your fluid-inner-landscape, paralleled by the practical demands of your worldly roles and responsibilities; all the while you—and the solid ground of the world you’ve known—dissolve into the quicksand of memory?

Barraged by the arhythmic waves of catharsis; feeling the unrelenting and painful pulse of hungry pecks and curious bites of air and sea creatures; it’s simply too easy (and certainly necessary at times), to give yourself over to the problems; the threats, the challenges, the very real matters at hand that need both your attention and your thoughtful solutions; in service to your basic survival.

Real or imagined these threats are depleting your energy supply—the precious fresh waters within. Consumed by problems, you’ve lost sight of the horizon of this profound life-passage; and instead see only the mirages of safety and security—the fleeting glimpses of non-existent shores—offered by the addictive neurochemistry of fantasy.

You’re weathered by a false and hallucinatory hope of what once was, but is no more.

Discerning what is or isn’t a problem, what is or isn’t a threat, what does or doesn’t require your attention; “figuring out” what you need to attend to and prioritizing your next action, requires your utmost wakefulness; but you’re fatigued and tired. Your eyes want to close, releasing you to the comforts of dreamtime.

Yet, you know you can’t close your eyes; your time isn’t up; you and your soul aren’t complete with the mission. So you swallow a drop of willpower and effort them open. You’re losing connection to who you were and struggling to make sense of what is happening—meaning is drowning.

How much more can you take?

The scary truth is, you don’t know; and the feelings that come with not knowing are the anchor drawing you down into the unfathomable fathoms of the dark underworld.

You see an overwhelmingly endless sea of problems littered with the mounting baggage of judgements; and the real or imagined risks and dangers with what is; both in what is happening outwardly and in what is happening inwardly, in response to the outer circumstances.

Your problems are strangely paradoxical; both fundamentally illusory, and at the same time very real and substantive; both of the mind, as much as they are of the body.

The truth is, these problems are sacred portals of possibility, everywhere and nowhere, like the great mystery of life…born of your own implicitly, albeit necessary and useful, sometimes distorted perceptions and misleading meaning making; they are the issues housed in the tissues of your body, information translated and transmitted to you, the captain of your vessel, to act upon.

As within, so without; these are the deep waters you’re struggling to swim in, reflected in the swimming you’re needing to do through the movements of your now fluid circumstantial life.

My work is in supporting you to meet these sacred portals as the opportunities they are for you to grow into who life is asking for you to become by way of this rich, raw, and rigorous passage.

My heartfelt intention is to help you to safely open your mind, body, and heart to receive—and to then integrate—the bountiful presents of your presence with this passage; aided by my rhythmic grounded presence through some (or all) of this passage of your life.

My role is to support you to discover the soulution(s)—and to anchor into the deeper waters of your soul—to the perfect storm of systemic problems that underpin the highly-complex-equation engineered for your (r)evolution; on the passage to the very real shores that lie beyond what you can see with your eyes, but can feel with all your being.

“I once looked to Ken for all the answers, but he would never give me them. He actually helped me to see the answers were inside me all along. Ken reached for my hand and touched my soul. When I count my blessings in life I will always count him twice.”

Nikkita G., Hayle, England

Would you like a hand?
If so, I’m here.