“I once looked to Ken for all the answers, but he would never give me them. He actually helped me to see the answers were inside me all along. Ken reached for my hand and touched my soul. When I count my blessings in life I will always count him twice.”

Nikkita G., Hayle, England

Greetings, my name is kenneth fried and i’m an ancient maritime navigator for the modern times.

…and in this case, maritime, refers to both the waters of the body and the waters of life, which are one and the same.

i assist the ancient ones.

the way-showers, path-cutters, edge-walkers, alchemical architects, and map-makers—the ‘old souls’; of all ages, of all lineages; from all earthly walks of life, whom are navigating in and through the liminal waters of divinely orchestrated circumstantial constellations of initiation.

i 'sail-by-the-side' of these remarkable beings through the organic and emergent birth process choreographed by the organizational intelligence of life—to the new earth and ‘new life’ shores of 'more' that beckon.

My offerings include a monthly subscription (as outlined on this page), in addition to Single Sessions.

The actual body is not solid—despite what our senses would have us believe—but a living liquid crystal, pulsing with information. Like your own personal light-house, radiating the guiding light that calls you home to Self.

The waters of the soma contain all the answers to all your questions…and the soulutions to any and all problems arising as you voyage through life.

i support ‘old souls’ in activating and upgrading their inner navigation systems and software, so they can find their way through the stormy passages of life, to the often unseen and unknown destination life is guiding them towards—especially when such guidance or destination seems unavailable or inaccessible.

In essence, i meet you wherever you are in the vast ocean of your life experience and throw you a line to moor your vessel too.

“Working with Ken is like building your boat while you sail it…”

Alex D, Systems Architect

By your side i assist you to navigate through this passage of your life, calling upon my systems and software; equipment and tools; skills; resources; and extensive navigational experience—to assist you in making the necessary upgrades for a safe passage to where you’re being guided to, regardless of the conditions.

In the process, you discover your power to affect the weather within and without and inevitably increase your capacity to weather the passages of life.

i’m not here to save you from your experience; to give you the answers; to tell you what i think you should do…or ’to sail your ship for you’

Rather, my role is to assist you in honing and refining your sailing skills; upgrading your ‘rig’; and maintaining the health of your vessel until you’re ready to set off on your ‘solo sail’. Then we celebrate with a ‘Bon Voyage’ party!

“Ken’s somatic assistance, space holding and reflections have catalyzed some of the most powerful releases I have had in my life in the depths of very challenging transitions. There have been moments in my journey that without his expertly skilled and loving guidance, I’m not sure what I would have done. I highly recommend working with Ken if seeking this type of assistance in your life.” 

—Thomas Sochowicz, Author + Spirit Architect

What are Somatic So(u)lutions®?

The unique-to-you solution(s) to the ‘problem(s)’ of what to do, how to do it and who to be, which inevitably arise when faced with a life-passage that asks of you to navigate and sail into and through the unknown; both the unchartered life circumstances and the unmapped wild waters of your inner psycho-emotional fluid water-scape.

Are you ‘navigating’?

…a spiritual awakening; unexpected tragedy; death or loss of a loved one or a way of life; maybe childbirth or a cataclysmic rebirth; the ending/beginning of a relationship, the ending/beginning of a career, the ending/beginning of something deeply meaningful; maybe long-standing heartbreak or a sudden bottomless grief; a medical emergency, an accident, or a diagnosis; an empty nest; relocation, or retirement; personal or collective upheaval; catastrophe, natural disaster; the desecration of the sacred or the loss of something loved.

Perhaps none of these, yet something beyond language or explanation is calling you into the unknown…

Why Journey Together…Rather than Solo?

Imagine that your body is a vessel (in this case a ship) and your ship’s purpose is to take you on a voyage through the passage(s) of your life.

What’s true is there’s no navigating or sailing through such passages without your body; for it is the vessel that moves you through the circumstances of lived experience—and contains “the cargo” of your inner psycho-emotional experience as it arises, relative to the circumstances you are navigating.

Now imagine that what you’re being asked to navigate is unlike any experience you’ve navigated prior, let alone sailed through—these are the unchartered and unmapped waters of your life.

Literally unrecognizable and foreign waters—potentially uncomfortable, frightening, and seemingly unsafe—of inner and outer life experience, absolutely above and beyond what the mind can grasp with its tentacles.

It makes sense that in such a space you wouldn’t know what to do, how to do it, or even how to respond; for you are where you’ve never been and you’re being asked to go where you’ve never gone; how could you know what to do? …or who to be?

Given this, it also makes sense to seek out assistance to ‘figure out’ (though not necessarily with the mind) what to do and how to do it, but more importantly who to be, so you can do what is being asked of you (by your Greater Self) as the captain of your ship—and take responsibility for navigating yourself through this passage.

Because the last thing you need is for someone whose not the captain of your ship (like friends, family, or even me) to give you their answers (opinions) to your questions—or so they can tell you what they think you should do.

My role is to support you to find your way through your slice of the unknown…by empowering you to evolve into a re-engineered new ‘you’ born of this profound life change and initiation.

To support you to find your answers and your solutions…along the way reclaiming and expressing lost and forgotten frequencies of Self.

My role is in supporting you to meet these life passages—these sacred portals—as the opportunities they present for you to grow into who life is guiding you to become, by way of this passage into the unchartered oceanic territories of Self.

Life Passages will ask you to navigate thru the deep and often profoundly uncomfortable, turbulent and unpredictable waters of change; into that which is beyond the boundaries of your awareness and into the unmapped wild-waters of the unconscious; the soma; your body.

Life passages are a fast-track path to your power—the power and potency of your essence, embodied by you, living as a higher and more refined expression of this essence.

My heartfelt intention is to assist you to safely open your mind, body, and heart to receive, to integrate and to live the bountiful presents achieved thru your presence with this life passage; aided by my rhythmic grounded presence through this passage of your life.

With my assistance, you will be empowered to discover the heart & soul of your soulution(s) to the perfect storm of systemic problems and paradoxes that underpin the often highly-complex-equation (also known as a life-passage) engineered for your (r)evolution—on the voyage to the very real & tangible shores of the destin(y)ation(s) of your soul.

To get ‘there’, wherever there is for you, you and your life will need to change. Period.

While you can cling to the old, familiar and crumbling safety structures of your dissolving self and life; you also have a profound opportunity to shed what has served you; to embrace the adventure that lies before you, and to receive the bounty of goodness that awaits you.

…and for most, easier said than done.

Because, after all, regardless of how thick the fog is, there is indeed a life beyond what you can see on the other side of this passage. Both a life and a version of (u) that have never been.

“Ken’s aligned presence and masterful coaching helped me drop out of my over-active rational mind and land into my deepest ever felt connection with my intuitive guidance. As with any mastery, he seemed to have done very little, yet every emergent word and action from him, helped unlock deeper layers of intimate discovery to arrive at a trust in myself I’d long forgotten ever existed.”

Mark U., Peak Performance Coach for Men 

Lighthouse & Support Vessel in One

It would be my honor and great joy to assist you through this life-passage.

To be clear, i am not here to save you, but rather to provide illumination, anchoring and stabilization as needed, and to ride by your side as you build and strengthen your vessel and your sea legs.

i’m here to assist you to orient, to assess and to address the various ‘problems’ challenging the structural integrity and navigational systems of your psychosomatic vessel; translated as the ‘challenges’ in your life.

So you can make the necessary software, hardware and systems upgrades to support a safe and sound passage through this leg of your journey, en route to your chosen destin(y)nation. 

Practically speaking i will support you to make space for, meet, greet, explore and authentically move through the situations, circumstances; and complex web of material including sensations, images, behaviors, emotions, and beliefs arising for you as you sail through this unchartered terrain.

No matter what you’re navigating, you will be supported to find your way through whatever is presenting in your life; regardless of the conditions, circumstances, and proverbial internal weather.

You will be birthed by your passage—into a more evolved and refined expression of Self, one who has never been; and take actionable steps to create the life conditions that validate and affirm this new you.

Both your inner and outer life will change—in imagined and unimagined ways as you sail into the unknown.

Our Shared Support Vessel for Your Journey…

Your journey may take 1-month or 1-year, there’s no way to know, until you know you’re on other side. The same way you know when you need to go to the bathroom; your body tells you…or how you know the storm has passed…the sun is out.

For this reason i offer my support in 3-session rounds, spaced over 4-weeks. Upon completing 3-sessions, should you desire to continue journeying together, you would enroll in another 3-session round…until you feel that you have received what you need, however long that takes.

i’ll both support the discovery of and celebrate your arrival to the proverbial ‘other side’—for any true heart-centered healer aims for a client to ‘graduate' from their support.

Container Details:

  • 3 x Zoom Sessions

  • 2 x “Emerge-n-See” Support Calls (if needed)
    [impromptu call for targeted support]

  • Audio Recordings of Sessions

Pay from Your Heart: $1,049 / $1,349 / $1,649

“Ken is an amazingly skilled and compassionate listener which is demonstrated by the sheer effect of just his presence in space-holding and reaches Beyond the time shared together. His support has been critical in my path and I’m so greatful for the recalibration he’s offered in his example of being a fathering presence. May we all get the opportunity to be so tenderly held in our journeys in the way you so gracefully do Ken.” —Shannon T., Encinitas, CA

Frequently Asked Questions…

  • Let’s Talk.

    Follow the link to schedule a free (no obligation/commitment) 40-minute call

  • My offering is structured ‘by-the-month’ in 3-session rounds.

    You can journey with my assistance for however long feels supportive to you.

    For example, perhaps that’s just one month or one month every three months or 18 consecutive months (current record).

    [(Pay From Your Heart) + (Pay-it-Forward)] = Reciprocal ∞ Relating

    How much you pay is for you to choose; a choice best if rooted in your heart and inclusive of, and informed by, the details of your financial reality.

    The minimum suggested amount is $1,049/round; the more sustainable amount is $1,349/round; and the amount that supports me to thrive is $1,649/round.

    If you feel drawn to receive my support, and the minimum suggested amount is more than you can afford without impinging upon your capacity to meet your basic needs, i still invite you to schedule a free call to discuss your personal situation.

    This is also true if you live in an economy where the USD exchange rate is such that the suggested minimum is a disproportionally large amount of money for you.

    For those who are able and willing to pay the $1,349/$1,649 price, you help to drop the floor (and thus lower the ceiling) for those who have less availability (or access) to financial resources.

    By paying more, you increase access for others, who have less and who otherwise would be a fit to receive my support. There have been many over the years who fit such a bill.

    i acknowledge that for many finances ebb and flow from month-to-month, especially during this great transition on earth. This ‘by-the-month’ structure accounts for such fluctuation in flow.

    Additionally this structure minimizes, and provides a buffer from, the financial stressors caused by long-term fixed financial agreements made in the context of an ever-changing, fluid-financial/world landscape.


    What Others Charge:

    i know professionally trained coaches who earn $50/hour and ‘trained-by-life’ coaches (i.e. former executives) who charge more than six figures/client.

    i know coaches who offer only individual sessions and coaches who require minimum year long commitments.

    i know $50/hour coaches who have the training, skill, and life experience to be earning six figures per year and coaches who are earning six figures/client, who in my opinion, could do with some ethics accountability in terms of the quality of their offerings.

    i am professionally trained as a coach and somatic experiencing practitioner (slated to complete training in 2024) with supplemental systemic constellations practicums, trainings, and apprenticeship.

    …and i do not identify as a coach; though high-quality trauma-trained coaching is certainly a hallmark feature of this offering.

    i am an ancient maritime navigator, for the modern times whom uses both ancient and modern tools.

    Regarding my pricing structure, i’ve done my best to offer a ‘fixed’ solution to a very delicate, dynamic, and highly nuanced multivariate equation—in a way that both supports me and supports others to enter into this service offering at the lowest price possible for me to remain in integrity with my own needs.

    Meaning, i’m not just slapping a $150,000/client/6-months tag on my offering, because ‘i’m worth it or i value myself or…or…or…”

    …an enormous amount of contemplation and years of experimentation has informed and is reflected in this offering.

    For most, coaching remains a high-priced luxury (not by their choice)—and in my opinion it need not be. i’ve done my best to bring down the cost, engineer out (as much as possible) financial exclusion, and move the needle from luxury towards ‘available and accessible necessity’

    That said, it’s not perfect, but it’s the best solution (after years of experimentation) to the ‘pricing problem’ that I can offer, while remaining in integrity with all that I’m holding on my end of things; and feel good.

    Furthermore, i acknowledge that it is a privilege to receive my *very bespoke* support and such privilege may not be available to some because of my fees, regardless of the ‘pay from your heart’ pricing structure and my good-hearted intention.

    My client capacity, for various reasons, is far less than most ‘helping professionals’ (i.e., tele-health coaches who see 15-30 or even 30-40 clients/week)—and so this is reflected in the price; basic supply/demand.

    For those interested, but who cannot afford the on-going monthly support, i do offer individual sessions that are a fraction of the cost and quite potent in effect.

    Additionally, there are companies like [betterhelp.com] [openpathcollective.com], and [sphere.guides] where you one can find therapeutic or coaching support at a lower price than what i offer.

    Finally, what i offer is (as the saying goes) not for everyone. My cocktail of an offering(s) is for a select few—and those few experience remarkable results as they are held in the container of my love, care and connection.

  • However long is necessary.

    Typically anywhere from 60 minutes to 2-hours.

  • i do not.

  • No, i am not a licensed (or unlicensed) psychotherapist.

    If you’re looking for affordable and quick-to-schedule therapy options, check out: www.betterhelp.com or www.openpathcollective.org

    i do not practice psycho-therapy, though certainly you may experience therapeutic benefits via my support; nor am i a substitute or replacement for working with a licensed psychotherapist.

    i am a Certified Professional Coach through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching and an Advanced-Level Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner in Training, and will be completing my training and certification with the SEI in 2024.

    The heart of my support is somatically oriented life-coaching and somatic process and integration work with the incorporation of systemic family constellations, when appropriate; littered with principles and practices of advanced alchemy.

    Ultimately, it is your responsibility to decide what care would best serve you and your needs, which I know is much easier said than done.

    When appropriate i do refer potential clients (and current clients) to other professionals who i believe would be a better fit and/or offer support that is beyond my skill set. My support is not a substitute for anything, especially medical or psychological services, so much as one facet of a well-rounded self-care regime.

    i and my offerings, do not, nor are intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure disease; for that is not the domain in which i operate.

    In choosing to receive my support, and by signing my informed consent, you are affirming that you are emotionally stable, in sound psychological health, and personally responsible for all of your own decisions and commitments.

  • Yes, though to be clear the individual sessions that i offer are different service offerings than my ongoing 1-to-1 support as outlined on this page.

    More info coming soon.

  • i assist ‘old souls’ of all ages from all walks of life.. If there was one thing most of my clients had in common, it’s that they’re motivated by the tug of their heart. They are driven by an unyielding force to reach for the sun; towards a brighter future, by way of a planned or unplanned life-passage.

    The longer answer…it really depends on if you feel, let’s call it a fit, between what I offer, what you need, and who I am—as the fabric of our connection informs what is possible together.

    i’ve assisted college students, single-mothers, and elders… i’ve supported people who are unclear on their purpose and some of the most purposeful and focused people i’ve ever met. i’ve assisted managers and leadership at Google, Facebook, and Tesla; and students on the verge of dropping out of college. People who felt trapped by the circumstances of their life and people who saw the seemingly imprisoning circumstances as a launchpad.

    i care less about the ‘costume’ you wear and the proverbial drama of your play and more about who you are; how you carry yourself; what you desire; and how you treat your fellow earth kin.

    Furthermore, i care about relational synergy and harmonic resonance in our connection, which is a felt experience for both of us. Without this, synergy, working together may actually block your journey.

  • Great question…

    In my own journey there have been countless times (and still are) when i just don’t know. “Knowing” and how we know what we know is a complex subject matter.

    Honestly, i’m not here to convince you that working with me is right for you, because i don’t actually know what’s ‘right or wrong’ in your experience; or the mechanics and dynamics of your decision making process.

    So, if you don’t know, here’s some perspective.

    What if there was no right or wrong? …and instead just experience?

    Second, what if you imagined this as an opportunity; what do you think and feel about this opportunity? …and what does that information mean to you?

    …and for those who just know…i say, trust that.

    Regardless, first let’s talk.

  • I’ve never had a person who worked with me not benefit in some way from working with me. But, the key point here is that they worked with me. They went through a very personal process that brought them to my proverbial office.

    I’ve done my best to share on this site who I am and what I do; ultimately though, it’s your choice to come to my office. That being said, who I am and how I am in terms of what I do is universally applicable to all humans; independent of all the infinite ‘labels’ society uses to create and foster separation.

    We’re all navigating passages in life while on earth.

    Some just seek support.

  • First, i invite you to let go of the should and feel into what you want and/or think you may need. Second, one of the reasons i’ve structured my offering as i have is so that i can stop trying to figure out, and pretending, that i have any idea how long is best for you to receive my assistance.

    Imagine you’re driving across the country…how do you know when to sleep? You feel tired, right? Similarly, imagine we’re journeying together; how do you know when you’ve had enough or are complete for the time being? You just know, right?

    While, it can be that simple, the truth is sometimes it’s not that simple, which i’m happy to support you with during our work together.

    Regardless this 3-session structure allows for flexibility in meeting your needs, while honoring the unexpected and emergent desires of your being.

    Finally, FYI, I’ve had clients who had only a single session and got exactly what they needed; and i’ve assis edsome clients for anywhere from 9-18 consecutive months.

    The timeframe of your passage and needs is unique to you.

    That all said, it all starts with enrolling in one-month. What happens after that first month cannot be known until you arrive to there.

  • As of January 2024, no.

  • Sometimes, contact me to discuss.

  • If you need immediate medical or psychological assistance please call 911. If you or a loved one is at risk of harming themselves or someone else, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital's emergency room.

    If you’re interested in affordable and quick-to-schedule mental health care with licensed professionals, check out: www.openpathcollective.org

    Regarding timely problems and the solutions you’re seeking:

    i don’t have your answers or soulutions, you do and (u) are the heart and soul of your so(u)lutions.

    My role (with those whom i journey with) is to assist you to find your way through the waters of whatever life-passage you’re navigating…though if that includes any sort of harm, abuse, or violence, i advise that you seek assistance from a mental-health professional who is qualified to offer care in such matters.

  • Yes, check out my resources page.

Listen to What Pam Had to Say…